Building on 2015’s work to consult with the leaders of the Lake Kutubu are, we now have a strategy to take us forward this year.
The main goal is to support a newly established Bible school in various ways: financially (50:50 partnership), up-grading management and teaching skills, adding in the dimension of trade skills training (by supporting local tradesmen with skills updates and the school with equipment to learn ‘on-the-job’). The purpose is to fill the growing gap in local pastor numbers whilst also to equip them with skills to enhance their livelihoods.
Women and children shall also be a key focus through supporting the enhancement of Sunday schools and the development of ‘Young Mums and Infants’ groups in order to reach out to non-church-attending families.
Our over-all aim for our relationship with PNG is to impart deeper Christian teaching and encourage the development of Christian character in individuals, however we need to build a bridge of deep trust and love to allow us to do this .